The Scotland District in St. Andrew Barbados is acknowledged as a Key Biodiversity Area, KBA.
The Biocultural Education and Research Programme recently conducted a field study, led by Christa Padmore, UWI graduate in Ecology.
BERP collected over 40 species for herbarium development, phytochemical study and climate change resistance assessment. This seminar will share findings of the study including plant families represented, types of plants and leaf morphological features as markers for adaptation to climate change.
The field trip study will cover locations of plants in the collection and their value in traditional methods of healing or as sources of healing natural products.
Aug 19, 2021 10:00AM (AST)
Aug 26, 2021 10:00AM (AST)
A Message from Dr Sonia Peter
“Our mandate requires that we give focus to educational activities that highlight the island’s plant biodiversity.”
— Executive Director (BERP)